Deadline !
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Back or Dead?
I almost forgot the way to log in ma blog. Ma password. Shit. I really don't feel to blog anymore. First, perhaps lazy. Second, i feel too naked in public. okay la, anyhow, is still lazy la. XD will only blog those that i think is important for me to remember. Hong Kong post, is one of it. Give me a weeks time.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
1st anniversary, <3
hi everyone, hope that i can pick up my blogging mood back. These days been so lazy to blog...when you miss out 1 event to blog. u will started to give up all others. hahaha. This happen to me. I duno whether it happen to you or not.
Okay, this is another event that i must blog for me trace back in future. it's 1st anniversary with ma baby noi. hmm~ we chose ninja jones @ northpoint. been read and saw the picture of this restaurant, try hard to find out where's the location, who knows it's so easy to access. cool place i shall said.
Awesome front gate. seriously.
Nice dim lighting
more...x'mas lil hut!
great ambiance...
look best, because baby is there. wakakaka.
Let's hit the table....
Awesome , tasty , fresh salmon!
yummy favorite of all time...
Baby's cold noodle. lol...
Sincerely...the food there is nice. one of the best japanese restaurant.
yea, rakuzen is of them of coz
This is the fun part of the restaurant that worth a visit !

U can play with the sword, and act like Samurai X, ichigo or even Naruto !!
and take a picture with the Ninja...(they are actually all waiters)
This is Ninja in Star Wars...
Ichigo !
that is why the older always said, women is the greatest weapon!
i will not let you. and 1 year had past. ninja jones, indeed a good choice. great service, nice ambiance, tasty yummy delicious food. wanna know where, just google it.
lastly, i love you baby....always.
Okay, this is another event that i must blog for me trace back in future. it's 1st anniversary with ma baby noi. hmm~ we chose ninja jones @ northpoint. been read and saw the picture of this restaurant, try hard to find out where's the location, who knows it's so easy to access. cool place i shall said.

Let's hit the table....
Let's check out the food part....yummy !

yea, rakuzen is of them of coz
This is the fun part of the restaurant that worth a visit !
and take a picture with the Ninja...(they are actually all waiters)
lastly, i love you baby....always.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
im 21. finally....
Sorry everyone, i know i've been really abandon my blog for so long. and i don't even know, how many still reading my blog. but, this is something i must blog. i wanna record this down, as part of my life. and also, take this opportunity to thanks my friends....
we are all busy with event, assignment, and thesis at the day before my birthday. But my friends still cbrate with me ma bday @ Tgi Friday. thanks to them. let's the picture do the talk.
Been ask to stand on chair, and give a speech, then TGI crew singing some song to me. The TGI culture....awesome one.
You guys must be cannot imagine how busy are us durint that period...let me show you this...
Now can you feel the busyness? lol....she is rushing her works, and bring along her laptop to finish it at my party! thank you zhi~
Lastly, i wanna thanks all my friends for the present, celebration, wishes, and everything...thank you. U guys just gave a great 21st birthday. and hell now an adult ! woohooo~~
we are all busy with event, assignment, and thesis at the day before my birthday. But my friends still cbrate with me ma bday @ Tgi Friday. thanks to them. let's the picture do the talk.

You guys must be cannot imagine how busy are us durint that period...let me show you this...

Present part~
white shirt - Jonee, remy, zhi
Long sleeve + shoes - Amy, fannie, waiting, yc, rae, shalyn, steph, eeling, and vyon
Spec - Nat + Jo
Watch - Baby noi~
Long sleeve + shoes - Amy, fannie, waiting, yc, rae, shalyn, steph, eeling, and vyon
Spec - Nat + Jo
Watch - Baby noi~

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Facebook tweet...
Friends of mine commented on the current popular HK series 《宫心计》and this is how we reply each other. and i found it amusing.
Ryan Mah 《宫心计》里的宫女都好像很得空酱 ,每天不用干活,专心施心计而已,刘三好还可以整天去放莲花灯,拜龟冢,和探他的爸爸。钟司制还可以得空到去steamboat, 阮司设还整天去拜神, 他们都好像真的很得空。 这部戏的败笔就在于对尚宫局里的职务刻画得太草率,感觉到他们像妃子,多过像宫婢。
Ooi Poh Sheng 小心王上要你的人头
Trev Ng 请饶马公公死罪...话细马公公都演过"文丑丑'经典人物...
Ooi Poh Sheng 难到王上要一个公公的人头也要问过你这个黄将军?来人,掌嘴30
Trev Ng 本将手上有十万精兵.皇上要本将掌嘴,恐防,十万精兵未能屈服,请皇上三思...
Ooi Poh Sheng 做反了,惜年对朕中心仅仅的黄将军,现今既然为了一名公公来反朕,既然将军对公公酱重情重义,酱朕就成全你吧,来人。。 给我拖出去“剪”
Trev Ng 昔日奴才效忠的系一位明君,如今皇上是非不分,难以服众.更何况,奴才早就割了,皇上,"仲没割啊?"
Lee Wei Soong meh事wor?朕微服出巡就有人斗敢冒充朕?仲话要斩朕的人?可知马公公系朕当年亲手阉gah?点可以话斩就斩?黄卿家你连朕都认不出,实在罪该万死,但系念在朕阉马公公goh时你有帮手,so 朕就饶你狗命啦。
Trev Ng 皇上息怒,事因本将系透过面子书奏捷给皇上,事出突然,没能了解.难怪臣已觉昔日明君,何以一朝面目全非.请皇上明鉴.
I think it's to be continue.....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Old post. Fun one.
This gonna be a old old 2 weeks ago? i know's very late to post this. what to do, life getting very busy (excuses lar...malas blogging dah) haha. That's why twitter is created. hehe...but got abit bit busy this sem lar...thesis on the go, an event to organise.
Whatelse i shoud say...damn nice ! how nice is it? They extend the date of showing from the actual time-frame which 2 weeks. go watch it again if you want!

Ini-lah~ i know i know...mine one cacat...hahaha. That's why he is MJ.
Cheated Jonee to watch with me, ended up, they love it too~
Have a great meal after that...
Went to watched this so-called concert. To me it was bored, but its a very good effort in doing charity, and papers reported they raised 200k. which is a good sign...
Yes, the library...
Bet you've watched this !
MJ fans, tell me what pose is this?


The plan changed, ended up we went to sanctuary for celebration....
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